Instagram Tag: bird

JCCI-100195 - Seagull resting on a waterfront stone wall
JCCI-100153 - A colourful Death - Close up of dead native Australian Crimson Rosella bird that has been a victim of road-kill
JCCI-100106 - Australian Purple Swamphen strutting around looking for food - Porphyrio porphyrio
JCCI-100088 - New Holland Honeyeater bird sitting on a branch
JCCI-100083 - Eurasian Coot waterbird surrounded by eternal ripples in the water
JCCI-100070 - Australian King Parrot standing tall and proud
A brightly coloured red and grey King Parrot bird leaning into the camera lens
A brightly coloured red and grey King Parrot bird eating seeds
Bright red Australian native Rosella bird looking curiously at the camera lens
Colourful back feathers of native Australian Rosella bird
Close up of native Australian Rosella bird with a red head and flash of blue
Colourful red green and blue native Australian Rosella bird in flight
Scratch That Itch - Colourful native Australian Rosella bird scratching its head

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