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Trapped Inside

Encased in a shell, trapped inside, a barrier to reality, unclimbably high. Foggy emotions, cryptic thoughts, rambling words, dark and distraught. Heavy in mood, wallowing weight, memory subdue, senses downgrade. All light is blinding, shines through flesh and skull, sounds ...
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A Place Within the Dark

Darkness enshrouded her. The kind of dark she could lose her entire sense of self in.
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His Reflection

The Story He glimpsed his reflection. It turned and ran in fear. Behind the Story I’ve always been fascinated by horror stories that are super short. I don’t know who wrote it or when I read it, but one, in ...
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People of the Boards

A short poem inspired by walking the boardwalk as the COVID 19 virus fear takes hold.
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Skipping through the squiggloop

There was a squiggle in the garden yestersomething and I noticed it skipping through the squiggloop next to the golden-blue porange herbs and it stood up and said it needed a huggleberry so I gave it one and it took ...
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This hallowed eve

As the sun leaves this hallowed land, neath feet of trodden ground, under cover of darkness, the spirits rise and the devils come forth. For this eve, the land that is, belongs to us, the creatures of shadow. We bring ...
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Those who taught me

The person who taught me manners had none The person who taught me empathy had none The person who built my heart had none The person who taught me respect had none The person who taught me math used an ...
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A world of boxes

We live in a world of boxes. Our houses are boxes. Our cars are boxes. Everything comes in boxes. Everything goes in boxes. Moving in boxes in boxes in boxes. Travelling in boxes and smaller boxes. Washing, cleaning and drying ...
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Nothing is forever

Nothing is forever. The universe is in constant flux. The only constant, the only certainty is that change will occur. Sometimes it’s foreseen. Sometimes it’s planned. Sometimes it sweeps the floor from under your feet and shatters your heart into ...
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Sitting on a breeze

Sitting on a breeze Washing pain through my head. A sculpture of my death. The last chapter read. Whip the sea into a frenzy. Wander through it like a bee. Slipping through the fingers of a craniotomy. Trapped eternal hopeless. ...
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The Devil and the Angel

I am the devil on your shoulder The angel in your ear The voice of your reason The root of your fear The demon in your closet The saviour at your side Deception in your truth And the truth in ...
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The Selene Descent

The story of the setting Moon. So beautiful as she fades away.
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Touched by God

High above the earth, a single passenger on a plane, lost in a storm, confronts the infinite abyss of death.
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My Sadness

My knowledge was not erased at birth. I am the Universe, trapped in a human body, weighed down by its limitations, fully aware of my greatness. Cursed to live in linear time, where a moment seems like forever, yet life ...
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Is laughter still the best medicine if you have broken ribs?
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Dream Girl

I met a girl… So beautiful. Skin so soft, attitude so rough, yet fragile and perfect. Our insecurities met, cancelling each other’s out; safely wrapped in each other’s arms. Love was inevitable; it was destined. Not at first sight; at ...
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Completely Alone

We spend our lives seeking connection with others. First with our families, then friends, pets, lovers and who or whatever else. So much time and effort put into forming bonds and growing relationships. Doing our best to please others, to ...
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My Time To Play

I live in your world. Your safe little world. With your safe little houses And your safe little lives. Everything in order Where everything seems to thrive. But today is the day that all goes away Today is the day ...
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Happiness eludes me

I got friends that inspire meI got a roof above meI got food inside meBut happiness still eludes me I got all the things I could ever needI got a life like a fantasyI got all the world in front ...
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A Day of Nonsense – The Mollusc

A love of nonsense gave birth to this short story about the great Universe of "The Mollusc"
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Turning of Undeath

Oh my God I’m so scared. Can’t let the others see. Need to show strength. Okay brave face… Brave face. Why is Stephen just standing there, doesn’t he understand what’s going on? “Stephen put those boards across the windows, quickly.” ...
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Flaw in the design

The clouds swirled and rumbled below. A storm was brewing. Sitting at his desk, the inventor studied his design. Fingers fumbling across the old papers with endless scribbles, equations and symbols known only to the mind from which they came. ...
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Lake Resonance

A rustling can be heard as the leaves shimmer with the vibrations of someone, something, approaching. The dense green foliage that has consumed all in its path, suddenly shows a crack in its front as four, then eight pink little ...
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Banana Smoothies

When the world is dead and everyone is gloomy, there’s nothing left to do but drink banana smoothies.
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Single Tear

A single tear is all I can cry A single tear before I can die A final tear I cannot deny A final tear, a final lie
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Is it worth it?

Is it worth it? The fame, the fortune. Is it worth it? The fancy cars, the classy restaurants, the private jets, the limousines. Is it worth it? What about that house.  The one with everything I ever wanted.  The swimming ...
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In this great big world that we live in So many that are alone So why am I alone The streets seem busy both day and at night The people are so cold This city is so cold If everybody ...
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Tainted Grace

I can not love Because there’s too much to hate I wanna die But it’s too late This world has fed me On its bullshit lies It’s taken everyone for a ride The trees are laughing now The sky is ...
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Let It Be Done

Whatever happens, we move on Not looking back, just gliding along The future is set but hazy too What will become of me and you The world is open for us all We’ve just got to listen for our call ...
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I Cry

The words of tears are powerful I cry for the men that were sent to wars and didn’t return but mainly I cry for the ones that did I cry for the children that have died from starvation But mainly ...
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A Vision Of Tranquillity

Tranquillity emanates from the glow of the ocean.  The distant hum of traffic provides the comfort of knowing I am not alone on this planet but only a step away.  Everything seems so peaceful, so calm and inviting.  Warmth emanates ...
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The Rush Of Death

The rush of death sets in From my own hand The demons tear at my soul Ripping, devouring my flesh My mind, my sanity The chill of death sets in My puddle of life dripping at my feet Memories return, ...
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The Madness

The madness is all around Pushing Pounding Punishing I feel it closing in Insideously suffocating Its wrath emanating through my senses For a second I am caught Held in its cold menagerie of lost souls Tip-toe Tip-toe My mind is ...
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The Poet

After creation came the poet And the poet said “Let there be darkness” And the Sun fell from the sky leaving the night And the poet said “Let there be pain” And he curled up in agony as all his ...
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Is the fight worth it? It aint worth it now. But will it be worth it? I can’t see how. What’s wrong with you? I feel sick with guilt. But what is this from? It’s from the wall’s that I’ve ...
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Break Me

I wanna be hated I wanna be hurt I wanna be fated To live this life of dirt I wanna be punched I wanna be kicked I want my soul To be torn up and ripped I want to cry ...
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My Demon

You are the hate that I envy You are the rage that besets me You are the pain in my head Are you dying? I am dead! You are the guilt I am feeling I am the drug you are ...
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A Life Time

I’ve had a life time Of people close to me They’re quick to tell me That I’m worthless I’ll never get anywhere ’cause I’m lazy I’m just dreamin’ I’m so crazy Is it any wonder I’ve turned out the way ...
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Normality Is A Haze

The people eat their T.V. sets as the chicken flies west through the rabbit cage. Eaten but not stirred please. The cattle stalk their victims prey as the innocents wonder about their day. ‘What’, is the word that remains drunk ...
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The Midnight Moth

Death wraps its cold arms around me once more. The toxins of life cleanse from my blood. Visions of my past flash before my eyes, from this life or a previous one, I do not know. The midnight moth arrives ...
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The Mirror

I stare into the mirror, as it casually and unaware reflects the true nature from within my soul. A dim light of hope that redemption may still be possible. A flash of images projects onto my mind. Red, blood, hatred, ...
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The Pendulum

The pendulum ticks with every sway. With every sway another second Forever gone… Until the next one. Another breath of air escaping unnoticed, leaving me one breath closer to death. If the breath was my last, would it still go ...
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I’m weird, I’m strange, I’m a little deranged, I’m just crazy.   You say I’m insane, I have not a brain, I’m just crazy.   If there’s someone to blame, it’s societies cane, for being crazy.   The torch of ...
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Afflicted with obsession the generation of today with this thing called `television’ It aint gonna go away. Hypnotic drone of content Addictive beyond whats seen Insidious commercial salesman Behind everything you see Scenes of death and destruction people without food ...
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Un-Satisfaction Guaranteed

Why has this happiness intruded my space?I didn’t ask for its warmth, its pleasure, its grace.My true satisfaction comes from only one thing.A deep depression so dark, so grim.The light that surrounds me must be filtered with red.The air that ...
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I believe the unbelievable. I practise the unsociable. I receive the unattainable. I worship the undesirable. I feel the untouchable. I destroy the indestructible. I am not the understandable.
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A Tortured Existence

Drip! Drip! The sound of rain flushing another tormented soul into the freedom of death. A whip makes its tortured crack, as lacerations, so plentiful, scar my back. A small stream of blood trickles down my spine and land softly ...
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Illusions Of Sanity

The raging winds, so wild and furious, blast the savage landscape. Stars flickering in the midnight sky. What is midnight anyway? When does night start and finish and who determines its middle? A dog roams aimlessly around the lake. It ...
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No Imagination

I have no imagination… Everything is real!
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Inside My Head

What is this pain inside my head? Maybe I’m dying. Maybe I’m dead. What if I live in this limbo state? Where will I go? What is my fate? My mind is collapsing. Am I insane?
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We’re nearly there. Where! There! But where is there? There is nowhere, nowhere called there. But there it is, that place called there. But now we’re hear, it’s no longer there.
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The Pen

The pen, it thrives inspiration. Channelling thoughts; emotions of my being. For if I don’t feel it the pen can not write it. The pen writes so only I understand. I am the master; it the slave… A slave to ...
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A New Day!

The clouds are clearing from the sky.Revealing the moon as she bids a goodbye.It is the beginning of a brand new daysent from the Gods and thrown our way.The birds are singing and fluttering aroundwhile larger animals stir on the ...
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The blackness that has swept across this great land is by no chance. It is I who has challenged its greatness and have conquered. The hatred and suffering that I have spread is just the beginning of what I have ...
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What Is This Love?

This pain inside of me is winding up real tight. Why wont people let me be? Why must I always fight? Am I the only person who thinks the way I do? There must be someone else, if only that ...
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