

In this great big world that we live in

So many that are alone

So why am I alone

The streets seem busy both day and at night

The people are so cold

This city is so cold

If everybody smiled just once

This world would be a better place


I am so alone

This world can’t be my home

The people that intrude upon my life

They don’t want my heart

No one wants my heart

These people that make me feel I’m all alone

Want something for themselves

My soul cries out for help

If everybody loved a little bit

This world would be a better place


I am so alone

This world can’t be my home

As I walk alone into the night

My body aches inside

I feel hollow deep inside

The tears that form from deep within my soul

Come splashing to the ground

It’s hopeless all around

If everybody cried just once

This world would be a better place


I don’t wanna be alone

This world must be my home

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