
Australia Day – 2023 – Appreciate what we have

Today I’d like to take a moment to recognise this great country I am lucky to live in, Australia. This is the place where all the opportunities I’ve had in life have been. It’s a country where personal freedoms are important, our dreams are possible to achieve, all our basic needs are met to the point that we don’t even notice it, we are relatively safe, and generally, we are good to each other. Australia is a great place to make a life.

Of course, this didn’t just happen. It is a country that has been built over time, from those courageous men and women that got on a boat and travelled into the unknown, to those who fought and sacrificed so much for our freedoms in the various wars, from those who chose to live the tough lives working the land to those developing the technologies of the future, from those who battled for equality and justice to those who constantly strive to make this a better place to live.

Sure, as a nation, we’ve stumbled and made mistakes along the way and will probably continue to do so, yet we always push through to learn from them, to grow, evolve and become better.

I hope as we move forward that we, as Australians, continue to take the path that values freedom and kindness, offering a hand where it is needed the most, where self-expression is protected, justice is fought for and those who work against us are dealt with.

There are people who think Australia Day should be cancelled. I think every day should be a day that we recognise and appreciate all that this country provides for us and all the people that make it what it is.

So with all my love, Happy Australia Day 🇦🇺🦘

Honour the past • Live in the present • Create the future • Love eternal

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