
Sitting on a breeze

Sitting on a breeze
Washing pain through my head.
A sculpture of my death.
The last chapter read.
Whip the sea into a frenzy.
Wander through it like a bee.
Slipping through the fingers of a craniotomy.
Trapped eternal hopeless.
Search for broken sanity.
Synesthetic hallucinations.
Grand illusions.
Baked delusions.
Then it stops!
It disappears.
The world that’s known.
Full of fears.
Empty from the source.
Breathing through falling tears.
Then it stops a second time.
Heartbeat pumping blackened wine.
The demon rising once again.
Shrouded pain unto the end.
But it’s different than it was.
Light is stronger.
Lifting fog.
Strength outlasting all the dirt.
Bringing end to endless hurt.
Sorrow giving way to love.
End begins again with hope.


Meaning behind the words

When I write, the words have a specific meaning to me. Sometimes when I read them back months or even years later, they can take on new meanings, relating to what I am going through at the time rather than at the time I first wrote them.

I also know that you, the reader, may have your own interpretation of the words and I would never want to take away from that. The meaning you take from the words is just as important as the original meaning I wrote them with. Maybe more so.

With that in mind, I have provided the original meaning for the curious but hidden it behind a drop-down screen so that it doesn’t accidentally corrupt any thoughts you may be having. Just click the heading below to reveal it. I will also invite you to share your thoughts and interpretations in the comments.

Reveal the meaning

I wrote this while suffering a migraine and sitting in my car next to the ocean as a storm rolled in. The windows were down and I was being battered by the ferocious wind and rain. The cold was the only way I could get relief from the pain.

For me, this poem is about dealing with this migraine and all the old thought patterns that came up while not having the energy to fight them. Thoughts of giving up, ending my time here on Earth.

Then as those thoughts consumed me, a glimmer of hope appeared in my mind as I fed on the energy of the storm. The positive mindset I’ve worked so hard to build, returned and conquered the darkness with one simple thought “this pain is temporary, death is eternal”

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