

Welcome to my blog. In here I post the things that don’t fit anywhere else, Thoughts, observations and rants, oh my 😯 So sit back and enjoy the ravings and the mess that is my mind.

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Happy Australia Day flag 2023

Australia Day – 2023 – Appreciate what we have

Today I’d like to take a moment to recognise this great country I am lucky to live in, Australia. This is the place where all the opportunities I’ve had in ...
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JCCI-100597 - Australian Flag with burnt hole revealing vintage map of Australia

Australia Day 2022 – What have we become?

Today is Australia Day. It’s the day to recognise the 1788 landing of the First Fleet in Sydney and for better or worse, the day Australia became one with the ...
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Happy New Year 2022

2022 A New Year Begins

The last 2 years have been tough. I’m sure at some point or another, every single one of us has had moments of overwhelm, fear or anxiety with everything that ...
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Empathy & the Mask Situation

When it comes to wearing masks, we are not all in this together. It may be easy for you but please show empathy for those who find it more difficult.
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The Games of Life
Life lessons

The Games of Life

A simple philosophy to live by that treats everything in life as a game. Figure out the rules, win the game.
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H@##y New Year - The bullshit of happiness

H@##y New Year – The bullshit of happiness

Happiness is bullshit. Pursue the full experience of life. All emotions are valid and all emotions can be a positive experience.
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Like a Needle in a Sand Pit
Life lessons

Like a Needle in a Sand Pit

The day I stood on a needle on the beach really made me think about society.
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Writings from a lost era

Writings from a lost era…

Over the last few days, I’ve given this website a bit of an overhaul. Originally it was designed purely for my life coaching business which eventually evolved into Empowering Meditations with ...
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In Memory of Chris Birkett
Friends Lost

In Memory of Chris Birkett

A tribute to a beautiful soul, Chirs Birkett. Rest in peace my friend.
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What have you learned in the last twelve months
Life lessons

What have you learned in the last twelve months

The last twelve months for me have had a real focus on learning, growth and personal development. In this time a few things have become very clear...
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The Art of Creating Awe by Rob Legato
Visual Effects

The Art of Creating Awe by Rob Legato

A look behind the scenes at the visual effects of Apollo 13, Titanic and Hugo with legendary visual effects gurus Rob Legato in his TED talk The Art of Creating ...
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The Power of Language
Life lessons

The Power of Language

The power of how this one phrase changed my life "Go 24 hours without complaining. Not even once... Then watch how your life starts changing."
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